How to Use White Space Effectively in Web Design-Featured.jpg

How to Use White Space Effectively in Web Design

White space is essentially blank space on a website. It’s not always white. It can be any color or even a background image. The important part is that it’s free of any active elements.

Compared to the active elements on a website, like buttons, text and photos, white space can often seem inconsequential or an afterthought, but the truth is that it’s one of the most important aspects of website design.

Learning how to use white space properly is a key part of building an effective small business website. Here’s how:

5 ways to use white space effectively in website design

#1. To make your website professional

There’s nothing that looks quite so unprofessional as a website that’s crammed with so much information, buttons and other elements that it looks cluttered. As a general rule, the busier your website, the less professional it will look.

Effective use of white space is a hallmark of clean, professional websites. Even if you have a lot to say, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to get it all out at once. Focus on one message at a time above the fold (the part of the webpage you can see without scrolling), and surround that message with plenty of white space.

#2. To structure your content

White space helps to give a web page structure in the same way that visual elements, like lines, are used to divide sections and content. The difference is that, unlike visual dividers that add weight to a site, white space makes for a cleaner, lighter design.

By using white space effectively, you can direct the visual flow of your website and guide your visitor’s eye where you want them to go.

#3. To make your website more readable

Cluttered, busy websites not only look unprofessional, but they are also less readable and user friendly. With so much going on, it can be difficult for your visitors to read and understand the information on your website.

By padding your web page with white space in all of the right places, you help to make it more readable and visually appealing. This is especially important for mobile users, who are digesting the information on a much more condensed screen.

#4. To highlight important elements

When there’s too much going on, it makes it difficult for your visitors to know where to look and the message you’re trying to convey can be confusing.

By using white space and keeping your design clean and free of clutter, you highlight the important elements on your page, like calls to action (CTAs), clickable buttons, key information and more.

#5. To organize your content

An effective website design isn’t just a collection of individual elements. It’s a composition of different elements, with elements that relate to one another or are alike grouped together or placed in proximity to one another.

White space can help you do this effectively, without having to make it look too obvious or clunky. By grouping elements that are alike and dividing groups with white space, you can organize your content in a professional, attractive way.

White space is an important design element to utilize when building your small business website. When used effectively, it can be powerful in so many ways.

Start building your website by choosing a design template today!