Tips for Building a Spa Website That Converts-Featured.jpg

How to Build a Spa Website That Converts

Going to the spa is a luxury for many people. If someone is going to splurge on a spa day, they want to know that they’re getting the most for their money.

When someone finds your spa online or hears about you from a friend or family member, most of the time, they’ll visit your website before booking a massage or facial. In order to turn those website visitors into customers, you need a conversion-based spa website.

6 tips for building a spa website that converts


#1. Use white space effectively

A lot of people think that the best website designs are fancy, but the truth is that simpler designs actually convert better. And, the best way to keep it simple when designing your spa website is to use plenty of white space.

What is white space? It’s basically just empty space on your website, and it doesn’t have to be white. It can be a color or even a background image, like in the example above.

By using white space around the most important elements on your website, like your call to action (CTA), buttons, etc., you help to draw your visitors’ attention to them.

#2. Make sure your site is user-friendly

Often, when people visit a spa website, they have a specific purpose in mind. Maybe they want to learn what kind of facials you have, your skincare treatment rates or your staff, or maybe they want to see pictures of your spa.

Make it easy for people to find what they are looking for by making your website user-friendly and easy to navigate. Choose a simple, menu-style navigation. Most people are very familiar with these and know how to use them.

Also, make sure your website is fully functional on any device — smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. Most of your visitors will be on a smartphone, so mobile-friendliness is paramount.


#3. Offer online booking

Did you know that, given the opportunity, most people would rather book an appointment online than over the phone? Give your customers the option to book however they prefer by offering online booking on your website.

By offering online booking, you help to simplify the conversion process for your customers, which helps to improve your conversion rate.

In general, the easier and faster it is for someone to convert on your website, the higher your conversion rate will be.

#4. Focus on site speed

Typically, people only spend a few seconds on a website before they decide to stay or go. If those precious seconds are wasted loading your website, chances are, you’re going to lose a lot of visitors unnecessarily.

Not only does a slow website create a negative user experience, but it won’t rank as high in the organic search results as a faster website. That’s because Google looks at site speed when determining organic rankings.

Big, clunky images slow down sites more than anything else. Make sure that you take the time to optimize your images, which includes compressing and resizing them.

You can test your site speed with PageSpeed Insights, Google’s site speed testing tool. If your site isn’t fast enough, Google will also offer suggestions to increase your speed.


#5. Keep your website forms short and simple

Website forms are a great way to gather all kinds of customer information, from email addresses for your monthly newsletter to phone numbers. But, the key to effective contact forms is to make them short and sweet.

As I mentioned, the fewer the steps and the faster the process, the more likely someone is to convert. Don’t get greedy when building your contact forms. Only ask for the information you really need to qualify a lead.

#6. A/B test your CTAs and headlines

You’d be surprised at what a difference your wording can make. You can say the same thing in multiple ways, but not all of them will be equally effective.

To make sure your website converts at as high of a rate as possible, you need to make sure that you have the best version of your CTAs and headlines as possible. To find out which versions are most effective, you need to A/B test your CTAs and headlines.

Build a conversion-based spa website with Websites 360®. Our website builder is easy to use. Choose a spa website design template from our library, customize it for your brand with a drag-and-drop editor and get leads and customers. Get started!