Minimalism in web design refers to a design strategy that emphasizes simplicity and functionality. It's all about stripping down the design to its most fundamental features, removing any superfluous elements, and leaving only what is necessary.
This might seem like a daunting task, especially when every business wants to stand out and impress their audience.
But, the essence of minimalism isn't about being dull or uninteresting; it's about delivering a straightforward, intuitive and engaging user experience.
Consider an imaginary small business, "The Happy Baker." Their initial website is filled with bright colors, various fonts and multiple pages about the bakery's history, staff and baking methods.
While this might initially seem engaging, it can be overwhelming for users and vital information can get lost among all the 'noise.'
Now, imagine if "The Happy Baker" opted for a minimalist design. The website would feature only essential elements — a succinct introduction, a crisp menu, an enticing gallery of bakery items and contact details.
Such a website would not only be easy to navigate but would also direct the users to the information they are most interested in — the bakery items on offer and how to order them.