5 Reasons to Start Using GIFs-Featured.jpg

5 Reasons to Start Using GIFs in Your Marketing

A GIF, which stands for Graphics Interchange Format, is a type of image format that stores multiple image files and displays them sequentially, creating an animation.

When most people think of GIFs, they think of their personal social media timeline or informal text messages, but they can also be used on landing pages or blogs on your website, in your marketing emails and beyond.

GIFs are a great way to catch people’s attention and get your message across in a fun, engaging way. They’re small enough that they won’t slow your website down, and they help you connect with prospects and leads quickly.

GIFs can be a valuable marketing tool. Here are a few ways you can use GIFs in your marketing.

5 ways to use GIFs in your marketing


#1. Demonstrate how to do something

Sometimes, it can be difficult to explain how to do something in words. Some things are just difficult to describe. That’s why instruction manuals come with pictures and why so many people turn to YouTube when they want to learn how to do something.

GIFs are like mini videos — only they’re much shorter with file sizes that take up less space — and they’re perfect when you need to instruct someone on how to do something. Plus, it’s a lot more interesting to look at a GIF than it is to read step-by-step instructions.

#2. Show the fun side of your brand’s personality

Not everything about marketing has to be serious or overly professional. In fact, if you can connect with your audience on an emotional level, you’ll make a more lasting, memorable connection.

Usually, when marketers think about making an emotional connection, they think about content that pulls at the heartstrings or preys on common fears, but content that can make your audience laugh or bring joy can be equally powerful.

GIFs are fun and entertaining, and using GIFs in your marketing is an easy way to show the fun side of your brand’s personality, making it more human and relatable.


#3. Show off your products

There’s a reason why people don’t describe their products in words on product pages. People want to see what they’re getting, and aren’t likely to make a purchase if there are no photos on the product page.

Product images are awesome, but GIFs help to take your product page one step further by showing off your product in action. Use GIFs to show off your product from different angles, or highlight different features, and show people actually using your products.

Pro tip: Use multiple GIFs to show different features or different ways people can use your products.

#4. Promote an offer

When you want to bring attention to an offer, a GIF is an excellent option. The movement helps to grab the attention of your visitors and draw their eye to your offer.

Best of all, GIFs can be used to promote an offer on your website, in your ads, on your social media timelines, in your email marketing and beyond.


#5. Highlight your CTA

As I mentioned, GIFs are powerful because our eyes are drawn to movement, and they capture people’s attention. On your website, there’s no more important element to draw the eye to than your call to action (CTA).

You can use GIFs to highlight your CTA effectively, as well as to demonstrate the action people should take to take advantage of your offer.

GIFs are a fantastic marketing tool that can be used over and over again on your marketing channels.